Thursday, October 30, 2014


For us, autumn represents this type of renewal. It’s a time that we scurry around like little gray squirrels, gathering the things most important to us and storing them for the long winter ahead. It’s a time for internal reflection and taking external action — all in an effort to plant positive intentions that will grow and blossom come the far-off spring. 

1 comment:

  1. I found this blog thru a comment Erin left on my blog. And how funny I was just thinking of how I mourn the passing of Autumn every year when Spring approaches. Then, Summer, my least favorite season except for the fact it leads directly into Autumn again.

    The season of Autumn is the landscape of imagination and renewal in my world . . . there is a quickening in the heart. A sense of urgency to prepare. . . perhaps because, as Andrew Wyeth said, "I prefer winter and fall, when you can feel the bone structure in the landscape---the loneliness of it---the dead feeling of winter. Something waits beneath it---the whole story doesn't show."

    Erin, thank you for taking the time to comment on my Paracosm piece. I left you a reply there. I hope you'll continue to write about the seasons and the experiences you create and experience within. :)

